Country Report: Considerations for REDD+ benefit sharing in Peru



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Filename: considerations_for_benefit_sharing_in_peru.pdf
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The Country Report: “Considerations for REDD+ Benefit Sharing in Peru” aims to encourage reflections and discussions surrounding the subject of REDD+ benefit sharing in Peru. The document presents a summary of the legal and institutional framework necessary for the development of REDD+ benefit-sharing mechanisms. Furthermore, it introduces lessons learned, challenges, and recommendations for the design of such mechanisms in a Peruvian context. These lessons, challenges and recommendations were compiled during the multi-stakeholder REDD+ Benefit Sharing Dialogue, coordinated by The Forests Dialogue (TFD) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in Peru in March 2014, with support from the Research and Integrated Development Association (AIDER) and Conservation International-Peru (CI-Peru).

This dialogue was part of the REDD+ Benefit Sharing Initiative, implemented by TFD with support from IUCN, in the framework of the project “REDD+ Benefits: Facilitating countries and communities in the design of pro-poor REDD+ benefit sharing schemes”. The following six multi-stakeholder dialogues have been developed within this initiative: a Mini-Dialogue at the IUCN World Conservation Congress held in Jeju, South Korea in 2012; a Scoping Dialogue in Washington D.C., United States, in 2013; as well as four Field Dialogues, during which local sites and stakeholders were visited. These Field Dialogues were held in Vietnam and Ghana in 2013, and in Peru and Mexico in 2014.

The REDD+ Benefit Sharing Initiative will culminate in December 2014. And the results, including the presentation of this report, will be shared at the COP20 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which will take place in Lima, Peru.

This Country Report is also a contribution to the “community of practice” established by TFD and IUCN on topics related to REDD+ Benefit Sharing. The report is also helpful for different stakeholders from the international community interested in the development, implementation and monitoring of REDD+ benefit-sharing mechanisms.


Cordero, D.
Suarez de Freitas, G.
Schneider, C.
Che-Pui, H.