Country-led approches to REDD+ safeguards: early experiences and lessons learned



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Filename: ens_experiencias_tempranas_y_lecciones_aprendidas.pdf
Size: 12.25 MB


The main objective of this document is to share the initial experiences and lessons learned from countries developing a Country-Led Safeguards Approach (CSA) for REDD+. This document was prepared based on experiences collected at the Experience Exchange Workshop on Country -Led Safeguards Approaches, organized by the REDDCCAD/GIZ program and held on October 2 and 3, 2014, in San Salvador, El Salvador, as well as experts’ roundtable and workshops with the liaisons to the regional safeguards team.

During the workshop, experiences were shared from Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Vietnam; these experiences have been included in this report. Nonetheless, it is important to highlight that all of the countries working to adopt a CSA are in their initial design phases, thus this publication compiles the early experiences and lessons learned.


Rey, D.
Lopez, A.
Rivera, L.
Ribet, U.