Implementing Deforestation-Free Supply Chains – Certification and Beyond



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Deforestation and forest degradation result in biodiversity losses and are major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In an effort to delink agricultural production from deforestation, a growing number of companies and national governments are making public commitments to purchasing products which do not cause deforestation.

SNV’s REDD+ Energy and Agriculture Programme (REAP) launches a new report examining the role of agricultural certification standards in effectively halting forest conversion and explores some of the key ingredients which need to be in place in order to establish deforestation-free supply chains. Based on the findings, a toolkit is provided which can help to address identified challenges. The package consists of three components: a traceability and monitoring system, our Inclusive Business approach and the SNV Siting Tool. The toolkit is designed to assist companies and governments in going beyond certification standards in order to bring about the systemic changes needed to delink agricultural production from deforestation and forest degradation at a landscape level.


Smit, H.
McNally, R.
Gijsenbergh, A