Handbook on Country Options for REDD+ Benefit-Sharing



Filename: handbook_opciones_para_la_distribucion_de_beneficion_de_redd_a_nivel_pais.pdf
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Filename: handbook_les_choix_des_pays_pour_le_partage_des_avantages_de_la_redd.pdf
Size: 2.6 MB
Filename: handbook_country_options_for_redd_benefit-sharing.pdf
Size: 2.65 MB


This handbook, Country Options for REDD+ Benefit Sharing, acts as a focused summary of the TFD review of the same name. It offers unique insights linking international aspirations to mitigate climate change with practical options on the ground that can reduce deforestation and degradation.

There is considerable confusion when different stakeholders discuss REDD+ benefit sharing. The handbook recommends utilizing local and regional multi-stakeholder platforms to better understand divergent perceptions and to facilitate consensus amongst other solutions.

In partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), The Forests Dialogue (TFD) organized a series of international dialogues under its initiative on REDD+ Benefit Sharing. Funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the TFD review is the result of dialogues in four different countries: Peru, Ghana, Mexico and Viet Nam which 250 key forest stakeholders from 25 different countries attended.​