Scaling up standards beyond the Project level: Programmatic, Jurisdictional and Nested Approaches



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The last two FCA Methods and Standards Briefs focused on project-level standards relevant for Asia, both forest carbon standards and complementary socio-environmental standards. In response to the upcoming international REDD+ mechanism that calls for national level forest carbon accounting and implementation of numerous safeguards; programmatic, jurisdictional and nested standards and approaches are being developed. This brief provides a summary and update of these evolving programmatic and jurisdictional standards; as well as a continued update on developments under project-level standards over the last two months.Please see FCA Briefs No. 3 and No. 5 for earlier standards reviews up to January 2012. Note: We focus on standards that are applicable for REDD+/ forest carbon activities in Asia. 


Chokkalingam, Unna
Vanniarachchy, Anuradha