Decision Support Tool: Integrated REDD+ accounting frameworks - Nested national approaches



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The objective of this report is to guide countries on the design and establishment of national-level REDD+ accounting frameworks with emphasis on the integration of subnational and project-level approaches and the implementation of nested approaches under the national REDD+ framework, i.e. multiple level carbon accounting and incentive allocation. The questions presented provide information to help decide: 

(i) How the national REDD+ accounting framework will be structured

(ii) What decisions need to be made to integrate subnational and project level activities into a national level REDD+ accounting framework

(iii) How and at what levels should incentives be distributed

(iv) What procedural decisions need to be made and by whom.


Broadhead, Jeremy
O’Sullivan, Robert
Costenbader, John
Pritchard, Luke
Conway, Darragh