Abote Community-Managed Reforestation Project



The Abote Community-Managed Reforestation Project is an afforestation, reforestation and revegetation (ARR) activity implemented on existing communal forest lands and croplands in the Oromia region. The project is implemented by World Vision Ethiopia (WVE) using the Climate Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standards. Preparation costs for the Abote project have been funded by World Vision Canada, with support from World Vision International and World Vision Australia.

The project is being implemented on 8119 hectares of severely degraded land that has lost much of its soil productivity, forest cover and biodiversity. The overall goal of the project is to rehabilitate the degraded land and watershed catchments and to improve the livelihoods of local communities by increasing soil fertility and by providing an additional source of income from generated carbon credits. Project activities include planting of indigenous trees and introduction of agroforestry practices and a technique known as Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). FMNR is a technique that involves the regeneration of native trees that grow naturally within planted fields of crops if protected and managed properly.  

The project lifetime and crediting period are of 30 years. The project is expected to sequester 2.667 million tonnes of CO2 over the project lifetime. 

At the time of writing the Project Design Document (PDD) in 2011 the Abote project site has been designated as communal holdings and discussions with concerned government entities has begun to give a holding certificate or title deed to the holders of the right. This would include those who are living adjacent to the project site and those who will be members of the forest development and protection cooperative societies. This project is a prospective CDM project, however, in April 2013 the project was still undergoing validation for the CCB standard and there are no records of CDM registration.