World Agroforestry Centre



The World Agroforestry Centre is part of the alliance of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), dedicated to generating and applying the best available knowledge to stimulate agricultural growth, raise farmers’ incomes and protect the environment. The World Agroforestry Centre is guided by the broad development challenges pursued by CGIAR, which include poverty alleviation that entails enhanced food security and health, improved productivity with lower environmental and social costs, and resilience in the face of climate change and other external shocks.

Some programmes of ICRAF are devoted to reducing deforestation and emissions from land use change, including forestry and agriculture, while ensuring viable livelihoods and enhancing social and environmental co-benefits.

Headquartered in Nariobi, Kenya, ICRAF operates six regional offices located in Brazil, Cameroon, India, Indonesia, Kenya and Malawi, and conducts research in 18 countries.