
Nature ‘is better at carbon farming’

6 Aug 2013
Large forests planted with a single species of tough small tree could capture enough carbon from the atmosphere to slow down climate change and green the world's deserts at the same time, researchers...

Nueva herramienta para el monitoreo de la agricultura itinerante ayuda a REDD+

6 Aug 2013
Una parcela de cultivo itinerante pasa por cambios cíclicos en la cobertura de la tierra, de cultivo a barbecho, a bosque joven, a bosque secundario y nuevamente a cultivo. Fotografía de CIFOR/Jean-Christophe Castella BOGOR, Indonesia (6 de agosto de 2013)_Una nueva herramienta diseñada para evaluar el impacto de la tumba y quema en la degradación forestal podría tener un papel clave en el monitoreo de los programas REDD+ de mitigación del cambio climático, dijeron científicos. El marco de REDD...

First ever temporary certified emission reductions issued for reforestation project in Brazil

6 Aug 2013
The UNFCCC today issued more than 4 million temporary Certified Emission Reductions (tCERs) to a reforestation project in Brazil, making it the first worldwide. Afforestation/Reforestation (A/R) CDM projects can only issue credits once per commitment period, and many are therefore waiting toward the end of the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period to maximize the number of credits issued. While this is the first forestry project to date to issue such credits, many others are currently...

WWF alarmed by oil palm fruit grown in Sumatra national park

6 Aug 2013
The World Wide Fund for Nature said it found Asian Agri and Wilmar, two of the world's biggest palm oil concerns, were recently buying palm fruit that had been grown illegally in the Tesso Nilo...

Droits fonciers: un prérequis et une motivation pour une REDD+ basée sur les petits exploitants

6 Aug 2013
Une maison dans la Zone Prioritaire de Solidarité - jusqu’à tout récemment une « terre sans hommes » en termes de droits officiels de propriété. Kate Evans/CIFOR LIMA, Pérou (13 juin 2013) _ Les initiatives naissantes visant à réduire les émissions de carbone en évitant la déforestation et la dégradation des forêts (REDD+) contribuent également à la sécurité du régime foncier des forêts au Brésil, selon les résultats d’une nouvelle étude*. La REDD+ est un programme soutenu par...

Deforestation ban working in Costa Rica

5 Aug 2013
Costa Rica's ban on clearing of "mature" forests appears to be effective in encouraging agricultural expansion on non-forest lands, finds a study published today in the journal Environmental Research Letters. The study, which was led by Matthew Fagan of Columbia University, found that since Costa Rica implemented its ban on conversion of mature forests in 1996, the annual rate of old-growth forest loss dropped 40 percent despite an agricultural boom in the region. The results suggest that Costa...

Defining Sustainable Cattle Ranching

5 Aug 2013
With plentiful shade trees and free roaming herds, the grazing pastures of Fazendas São Marcelo bear little resemblance to those of conventional cattle ranches. Continue reading »

China's timber imports on the rise again

5 Aug 2013
Construction boom triggers 30% increase in second quarter

Vinculando lo local con lo global: REDD+ como un rompecabezas de múltiples niveles

2 Aug 2013
Líderes indígenas debaten sobre los bosques en la quinta edición del Día de los Bosques. Foto de Neil Palmer/CIAT. RIO DE JANEIRO, Brasil (1 de agosto de 2013)_Si se busca el éxito de un esquema respaldado por las Naciones Unidas para desacelerar el ritmo del cambio climático protegiendo los bosques tropicales del mundo, este debe forjar conexiones entre los actores locales, nacionales y mundiales, de acuerdo con una importante publicación sobre el estado mundial del esquema conocido como REDD...

Aplikasi Situs Web Interaktif membuat pengguna memetakan aktivitas emisi karbon hutan

2 Aug 2013
Sebuah alat pemetaan online dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan data faktor-faktor emisi dan kegiatan guna membantu negara-negara melakukan inventori mereka sendiri dengan perkiraan yang lebih baik, “kata Daniel Murdiyarso, ilmuwan utama Center for International Forestry Research. Picture credit: CIFOR/graphic BOGOR, Indonesia (2 Agustus 2013) – Portal online baru untuk memonitor, melaporkan dan memverifikasi (MRV) emisi karbon memungkinkan peneliti dan praktisi mengelola inventarisasi...