Reducing Emissions from All Land Uses



The goal of the project is to strengthen the ability of developing countries to build and implement effective strategies for REDD+ within a context of rural development, national sovereignty, respect for local and indigenous peoples’ rights and integrity of national and global greenhouse gas accounting systems.

Research is taking place at sites in Indonesia, Cameroon, Peru, Tanzania, Vietnam, Nepal, Philippines, and China, building on long-standing relationships and collaborations with partner institutes.

Specific research activities include:
- Analysis of drivers of change in tropical forest margins.
- Analysis of bargaining power, rights and responsibilities along the REDD Value chain.
- Review of “high carbon stock rural development pathways” to describe how shifting cultivation systems can evolve into carbon-storing agroforests and diverse tree crop production systems.
- Review of smallholder timber production and marketing as alternative to plantation forestry in the context of efforts to deflect drivers of forest conversion.

The first 3-year phase of the project is completed and the second 3-year phase began in June 2013.