Wageningen University and Research Centre (UR)



Wageningen UR has branches on several locations in the Netherlands, and in China and Brazil. It has 6,500 staff and 10,000 students from over 100 countries that engage in research across the world in partnership with other research institutes, government and private organisations. The strength of Wageningen UR is in the various fields of natural and social sciences. The domain of Wageningen UR consists of three related core areas. These are: food and food production; living environment; health, lifestyle and livelihood. Wageningen UR also specialise in integrated land monitoring. This involves real- time monitoring for agricultural management, tracking of forest carbon, land-use change and greenhouse gas emissions, remote sensing support for ecological modelling, and mapping and assessment of soil properties. These areas of expertise are closely related to some of the technical requirements for REDD+, such as Measuring, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MMRV) of forest carbon stocks. Amongst other things Wageningen UR are actively working in Ethiopia with developing a national MRV system.