National Forest Monitoring System (Costa Rica)

Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Bosques (Costa Rica)


The National Forest Monitoring System is a working group of the REDD+ Interinstitutional Committee. It was set up to coordinate future work on reference levels and forest monitoring between the different institutions with expertise in the area. At the time of writing (November 2013) it has met five times and its members are:

  • National Forestry Financing Fund (FONAFIFO);
  • National Forestry Office (ONF);
  • College of Agricultural Engineers (CIAgro);
  • National Meteorological Institute (IMN);
  • National University of Costa Rica (UNA);
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG);
  • National Conservation Areas System (SINAC);
  • Ministry of Planning (MIDELPLAN);
  • National Rural Development Institute (INDER);
  • National Learning Institute (INA), which provides training on various issues including using wood products;
  • National Centre of High Technology (CENAT), which offers training on GIS and using remote sensors; and
  • National Commission of Forest Sustainability (CNSF), which is made up academic institutions active in forestry and was convened by SINAC to provide it with technical advice.