REDD+ Executive Committee (Costa Rica)

Comité Ejecutivo REDD+ (Costa Rica)


The REDD+ Executive Committee leads the development of REDD+ and includes representation from key sectors. It was established by MINAET Decree 37352 of 2012 (Art. 3) and replaces the "REDD+ Board of Directors" foreseen by the Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP). The REDD+ Executive Committee meets monthly.

The REDD+ Executive Committee is made up a representative from each of the following sectors: (i) indigenous; (ii) timber industry (selected by the National Forestry Office, ONF); (iii) smallscale forest producers (selected by ONF); (iv) the National Banking System; (v) Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE); (vi) Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG); and (vii) civil society or owners of degraded lands.

The indigenous representatives were selected in May 2013 at a national assembly to which the leaders of all 24 Indigenous Territories were invited (19 participated). The representatives of "civil society or owners of degraded lands" were selected through a series of regional assemblies and a national meeting held in June 2013.

Decree 37352 of 2012 sets out the functions of the REDD+ Executive Committee:

  • make recommendations on REDD+ policy;
  • resolve conflicts that arise in REDD+ preparations;
  • guarantee the effective and real participation of key actors;
  • approve technical studies required for REDD+ readiness;
  • follow up on the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment
  • systematise consultations and channel their results;
  • develop and approve working group terms of reference;
  • process complaints and ensure that they are responded to;
  • ensure that the REDD+ strategy passes through a free, prior and informed consent process;
  • facilitate coherent and transparent information exchange between different interested sectors;
  • support the design, development and implementation of national policies relevant to REDD+.