REDD+ Secretariat (Costa Rica)

Secretaría REDD+ (Costa Rica)


The REDD+ Secretariat is hosted by the National Forestry Financing Fund (FONAFIFO) within the Ministry of Environment and Energy to support the establishment and implementation of the REDD+ Strategy. It was established by Art. 1 of MINAET Executive Decree 37352 of 2012. The REDD+ Secretariat is responsible for the substantive work to prepare Costa Rica for REDD+ and is guided by the REDD+ Executive Committee. Art. 2 of Executive Decree 37352 sets out the functions of the REDD+ Secretariat:

  • Support the REDD+ Executive Committee;
  • Develop a communications strategy;
  • Prepare and carry out workshops with relevant sectors, particularly indigenous and peasant;
  • Develop plans for REDD+ readiness and consultation;
  • Develop the REDD+ strategy, though studies on land use, forest policy and forest governance, including land use dynamics, forest degradation and restoration and opportunity costs compared to alternative land use;
  • Help establish an implementation framework for REDD+ in Costa Rica;
  • Carry out the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment;
  • Develop a reference level carrying out studies and fieldwork to measure carbon stocks;
  • Design an MRV system;
  • Act as focal point with the FCPF, GIZ, and other international cooperation projects;
  • Agree key policy elements with relevant stakeholders;
  • Seek financing to ensure the continuity of the REDD+ strategy;
  • Prepare the final version of the REDD+ Strategy and submit it to the Minister of Environment and Energy for approval.