REDD+ Interinstitutional Committee (Costa Rica)

Comisión Interinstitucional REDD+ (Costa Rica)


The REDD+ Interinstitutional Committee is made up of representatives of the institutions that will be responsible for implementing the different strands of the REDD+ Strategy. Its purpose is to ensure effective coordination and information sharing between them and it meets every two months. At the time of writing (November 2013) the REDD+ Interinstitutional Committee is made up of representatives from:

  • National Training Institute (INA);
  • Costa Rican College of Agricultural Engineers; CIAgro);
  • Minsitry of Planning (MIDEPLAN);
  • National Meteorological Institute (IMN);
  • National Conservation Areas System (SINAC);
  • National Rural Development Institute (INDer);
  • National Budget Office of the Ministry of Finance (MH);
  • Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements (MIVAH);
  • National University of Costa Rica (UNA);
  • National Sewage and Water Institute (AyA).

The REDD+ Interinstitutional Committee can hold working groups (mesas redondas) to deal with specific issues. As of November 2013, it has established one such working group - the National Forest Monitoring System Working Group (SNMB) - which has met five times to agree how to approach reference levels and monitoring for REDD+.