Leveraging the landscape. State of the forest carbon markets 2012.



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Over the last three years, projects that address the relationships between carbon and forests have moved from the sidelines of international climate action to center field. Forestry’s recent advancements are the product of decades of ongoing collaboration among market and environmental experts seeking to strike an ideal balance between forestry projects’ market risks and shared benefits. Market dynamics in 2011 demonstrated that these efforts have never been more pivotal, or complex, as forest carbon projects mature – and find themselves positioned squarely in the midst of some of today’s most challenging policy debates. This year, a record number of forest project developers and secondary market suppliers from around the world shared data about their projects and transactions. This third annual State of the Forest Carbon Markets tracks, reports, and analyzes trends in these responses. This information is primarily based on data collected from respondents to Ecosystem Marketplace’s 2011 forest carbon project developer’s survey, combined with data from the 2012 State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets report. The data and analysis that follow cover forest carbon activity in compliance carbon markets – including the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS), the New South Wales Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme (NSW GGAS) and British Columbia’s (BC) Carbon Neutral Government directive – as well as voluntary carbon markets including voluntary Over-the-Counter (OTC) market and country-specific voluntary programs worldwide. In total, we captured responses from 140 project developers or project proponents in the primary forest carbon market and 35 suppliers in the secondary market. Respondents represented 215 individual forest carbon projects, half of which transacted credits in 2011 – totaling 451 projects analyzed in all survey years.


Peters-Stanley, Molly
Hamilton, Katherine
Yin, Daphne