Guidebook For The Formulation of Afforestation and Reforestation Projects under the Clean Development Mechanism



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The purpose of this guidebook is to serve as guidance for those interested in developing a land-use change and forestry project under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. The guidebook is presented in three parts.

Part i is an introduction to the Kyoto Protocol and the CDM. The key terms and concepts required to understand the remainder of the guidebook are explained here. The interest, motivation and role-to-date of the International Tropical Timber Organization in CDM projects are also introduced.

Part ii describes the conceptual and procedural details for formulating a land-use change and forestry CDM project. The structural and technical units of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that manage and oversee the CDM project approval process within the Kyoto Protocol framework are introduced. A step-by-step guide to project development is also outlined.

Part iii explores the financing of CDM projects. Discussions include an overview of the global carbon market and potential sources of project financing, including those for project development.