Forest Again Kenya



Forests Again is a reforestation project in the Kakamega Forest Reserve in the Western Province of Kenya. The project intends to reforest approximately 473 hectares of cleared open forest and grassland to mimic the original indigenous forest. The aim is to restore and conserve biodiversity, enhance local livelihoods, and to sequester approximately 422,000 of CO2 during the 40 year project period. The project was validated in 2009 to a Gold Level Standard under the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (First Edition) by Rainforest Alliance.

The project goals include to sequester carbon dioxide, increase indigenous forest area and habitat, connect forest islands through indigenous forest corridors and conserve biodiversity of forest dependent species and improve the lives of local indigneous people. In 2010, the project had achieved restoring 225 aces of forest, planted 100,000 trees and created 300 jobs. The project operates on the Voluntary Over-the-Counter Market (OTC) with reductions of 442,000.