Secretariat of the Pacific Community



SPC is an international organisation that works across a number of areas, including but not limited to public health, agriculture, forestry, human rights, climate change and disaster management, to help Pacific Island countries to achieve sustainable development. SPC has 26 members including 22 Pacific Island countries and territories, plus four founding countries: USA, Australia, France and New Zealand. SPC works closely with its members in determining what support is needed for the development of national policies and plans.

SPC was originally founded in Australia in 1947 as the South Pacific Commission. It's name was changed to Secretariat of the Pacific Community in 1997 to reflect the organisation's Pacific-wide membership. The SPC Headquarters are in New Caledonia, however there are also regional offices in Fiji, the Federated States of Micronesia and Solomon Islands.

Climate change is a key focus of SPC. In particular, its Land Resources Division (LRD) works on both forest and climate change initiatives. SPC, and its LRD, is a key stakeholder in REDD+ developments throughout the Pacific. SPC developed the Pacific Islands Regional Policy Framework for REDD+ and is also collaborating with GIZ in the regional programme: 'Climate Protection through Forest Conservation in Pacific Island Countries'.