
Hati-hati mendesain bagi manfaat, atau muncul risiko rusaknya REDD+, peringatan peneliti

16 Aug 2013
Diantara risiko REDD + adalah ketidaksediaan pengguna hutan untuk berkomitmen jika mereka tidak yakin akan menerima setiap imbalan atas upaya mereka, pendapat dari para Pusat Penelitian Kehutanan Internasional. Gambar kredit: CIFOR / Kate Evans BOGOR, Indonesia (16 Agustus 2013)_Mekanisme pembagian manfaat REDD+  harus dirancang dengan baik atau malah bisa menciptakan masalah jangka panjang, demikian saran peneliti Pusat Penelitian Hutan Internasional (CIFOR). Pembagian manfaat adalah komponen...

Le savoir forestier traditionnel : «pas du folklore, une ressource pour le changement»

15 Aug 2013
Les décideurs politiques doivent valoriser les connaissances traditionnelles comme ressource pour le changement. Eduardo Fonseca Arraes SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica (12 juin 2013) _ Les chercheurs et les décideurs politiques ont beaucoup à apprendre des petits paysans en Amazonie sur la conception et la mise en œuvre de stratégies d’adaptation au changement climatique, explique Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, chercheur au Centre de Recherche Forestière Internationale (CIFOR) et directeur des programmes...

When conservation money isn’t enough

15 Aug 2013
Is money enough to compensate farmers removed from their land as part of conservation efforts? read more

Palm oil licenses provide cover for logging in New Guinea

14 Aug 2013
Developers are seeking palm oil concessions to as a means to circumvent restrictions on industrial logging in Papua New Guinea, finds a new study published in the journal Conservation Letters. The research, led by Paul Nelson and Jennifer Gabriel of James Cook University, is based on analysis of 36 proposed oil palm concessions covering nearly 950,000 hectares in PNG. The study assessed the likelihood of the concessions coming to fruition. It found that only five concessions, covering 181,700...

Los árboles grandes son clave en el almacenamiento de biomasa en bosques tropicales –estudio

14 Aug 2013
Investigadores examinaron los datos de más de 190 mil árboles de por lo menos 10 centímetros de diámetro en 120 zonas forestales de tierras bajas húmedas, de edad madura en América del Sur, Africa y Asia. Foto de: CIFOR/Terry Sunderland BOGOR, Indonesia (8 de agosto de 2013)_Un estudio a gran escala ha encontrado que un punado de árboles grandes almacenan hasta la mitad de la biomasa que se encuentra encima del suelo en los bosques tropicales, lo que tendrá repercusiones para la gestión...

Certification body officially terminates ties with controversial logging company

14 Aug 2013
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has formally ended its association with Indonesian logging giant Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL), reports the certification body.

Tracking timber: could new technology help clean up the supply chain?

14 Aug 2013
Fears over timber traceability have created opportunities for technology startups – but also challenges for certification bodiesThe prized tropical hardwood merbau was once found in abundance from east Africa to Tahiti. It is beloved of homebuilders and furniture stores around the Asia-Pacific region, but, thanks to decades of merciless logging, today only New Guinea holds enough to be harvested in commercial quantities.Verifying that merbau, which fetches about $2,500 a cubic metre on the open...

Forest fragmentation leading to higher extinction rates

13 Aug 2013
The world's species are in worse trouble than widely-assumed, according to a new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), which reevaluates how scientists estimate extinction rates. The new model takes into account the impact of forest fragmentation on extinction rates for the first time, filling in a gap in past estimates. Much of the world's tropical forests, which house the bulk of the world's species, have been whittled down to fragments: small forest islands...

Indigenous Participation in REDD+ increases in Peru

13 Aug 2013
In 2010, during the meeting on "The Preparation Proposal of Redd + in Peru," RRI collaborator AIDESEP expressed its views on the process, and how it excludes the right of Indigenous People in Peru. Since that meeting, AIDESEP has been contributing agreements highlighting the significant progress made by indigenous organizations in the inclusion of their rights in the process FIP and REDD + in the country. Advancement in the Fight for Incorporating FIP Redd + Indigenous Amazonian &...

Interview: la REDD+ peut-elle produire des résultats mesurables dans les trois prochaines années?

13 Aug 2013
Si REDD+ ne parvient pas à produire des résultats dans les deux à trois prochaines années, on pourrait revenir aux vieilles habitudes, selon Arild Angelsen. Jordon Cooper BONN, Allemagne (10 juin 2013) _ Les décideurs politiques ont besoin de voir que la REDD+ atteint des résultats mesurables dans les trois prochaines années, afin d’assurer la survie de ce programme soutenu par l’ONU pour la réduction des émissions issues de la déforestation et de la dégradation, selon un éminent...