Law No. 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management



This Law aims to create environmentally sustainable development through means of an environmental planning policy, and the rational exploitation, development, maintenance, restoration, supervision and control of the environment.

Environmental protection and management shall be planned through the following phases: environmental inventorying to obtain data and information on natural resources; stipulation of ecoregions; and the formulation of environmental protection and management plans (Art. 5).

The Law states that Government responsibility includes: controlling natural resources; controlling environmental pollution and damage; implementing strategic environmental assessments (KLHS); providing quality standards of the environment; regulating legal actions and legal relations between persons and/or other legal subjects; controlling activities which have social impacts; and developing a funding system for efforts to preserve environmental functions.

Every business and/or activity having substantial impact on the environment is subject to an environmental impact analysis (Amdal) in order to obtain a license to conduct such business or activity as discussed in detail in the Law.