Forestry and Wildlife Law 29763 (Peru)

Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre


The Forestry and Wildlife Law (29763) was published in July 2011 and replaces the previous Forestry and Wildlife Law (27308). It sets out the fundamental rights and duties related to the nation's forest and wildlife heritage. The law states that every person has the right to access, use, and enjoy the forest heritage and wildlife of the nation, in accordance with the procedures established by the national and regional authority and planning and land management instruments.

The law sets out the general principles applicable to forest management and wildlife, in addition to the principles, rights, duties and provisions approved in Peru's Constitution, such as regarding wildlife and forest governance, participation in forest management, free, prior and informed consultation, equity and social inclusion, interculturality, traditional knowledge and worldview, adoption of the ecosystem approach and support to the sustainability of forest management and wildlife in Peru.

Importantly, and with relevance to the implementation of REDD+ projects within indigenous territories, Article 3 sets out a mandatory consultation process with indigenous peoples before developing new legislation or activities that affect the lives, territories and rights of indigenous peoples.

This law is currently (as of the end of 2013) under suspension, until its accompanying regulation is published.