
Kenya Soil Survey

Last updated: 17 September, 2012

The Kenya Soil Survey (KSS), also known as the Land Resource Survey and Inventory, operates under the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI). The KSS is responsible for conducting inventories and research on land resources (soils, vegetation, land use, climate, land degradation, among others) throughout the country to provide biophysical information required for multipurpose and specific land use planning. The KSS has the mandate to carry out research on genesis and classification of the soils of Kenya, carry out soil correlation studies, and to develop and maintain a national soils database in a Geographical Information System (GIS). KSS also participates in problem-oriented research on regional and commodity needs in collaboration with other KARI Research Centres. In terms of laboratory services, KSS provides analytical services on soils, plant tissue, fertilizer, manure, animal feeds and irrigation water to provide recommendations on appropriate fertilizer applications for sustainable production of various soil types and farming systems. In regard to training services, KSS offers training services on GIS applications, laboratory services and natural resources management. 

Related Activities

Name Country Role
Development of a soil and terrain database for Kenya Kenya implementation

Related Institutions

Name Relationship
Kenya Agricultural Research Institute