Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (Cameroon)

Ministère des Fôrets et de la Faune


The Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) has been entrusted with the management and monitoring of the Permanent Forest Estate (protected areas, communal and national forests); with the valuation of all forest and fauna resources and with the issue of peoples' access to those resources and/or to the benefits that are generated from it. It liaises with profit and non-profit organisations in the forestry sector and maintains the observance of international conventions ratified by Cameroon relating to wildlife and hunting. The Ministry is a co-chair of the national REDD steering committee together with the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development.

MINFOF is the main institution responsible for the implementation of the Forest and Environment Sector Programme (FESP). Largely through the FESP's basket fund, MINFOF receives technial capacity building and financial support to carry out its activities regarding forest monitoring. MINFOF is also currently developing and implementing the systems and measures required for FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) implementation.