Ministry of Environment (Peru)

Ministerio del Ambiente (Peru)


The purpose of the Ministry of Environment is to promote environmental conservation, and in particular to ensure the sustainable, responsible, and ethical use of natural resources and the environment. Moreover, it aims to contribute to social, economic and cultural development in relation to the environment, thereby ensuring that future generations are able to enjoy a balanced environment.

MINAM is the main agency responsible for REDD+ activities in Peru and serves as the focal point for national climate change considerations. MINAM delegates its activities through its different General Directions, including the National Service of Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP) and the National Forest Conservation Programme for the Mitigation of Climate Change (PNCBMCC).

The Ministry's goals include developing the National Strategy for Climate Change, and developing projects for adaptation and mitigation and monitoring their implementation. The Ministry is also responsible for developing the national forest inventory, establishing mechanisms for the valuation, incentivisation and retention of environmental services, as well as overseeing their financing and supervision. The Peruvian National Forest Inventory is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG).